
Understanding HTML5 srcset

Published on: February 8, 2015

Every since responsive design became a thing people worried about the sizing of their images. Why would you serve an image that's 1800px wide to a device that is only 320px wide? That's a very sensible question to ask when you're dealing with responsive design. If you consider that this 320px wide device might very well be a mobile device that's using a 3g connection this question makes even more sense. Working towards a solution I think it was a few years back when I saw people debating the problem of responsive images. How would the syntax look? How will...


Weekly Swift 2, getting somewhere

Published on: February 6, 2015

Time flies, it’s been two weeks since I started my daily Swift adventure and I only missed one day. Pretty impressive I’d say. The second week of the daily Swift was a very practical one. It was all about looking through Arto App and building the components I’d need to actually build this app. Building it will be a part of the daily Swift. Layout and Constraints A big part of creating a beautiful feed of content seems to be understanding the UITableView. More specifically, understanding UITableViewCells. These Cells are the core of what a user will see and interact...


Weekly Swift 1, warming-up

Published on: January 30, 2015

It's been my goal to learn how to build apps for a bunch of years now. I’ve picked up some books on Objective-C, tried building some things but lost interest really quick every time. The first time I actually went through with building something was when I was graduating from college. Shortly after that Swift came out and I wanted to learn it. But, once again, with no real goal except just learning Swift I quickly lost motivation to actually do something with it. But then something happened, I realized that motivation is fleeting. It’s not reliable, one day I could be super...


Avoid thinking in pixels

Published on: December 15, 2014

When writing CSS for websites it's easy to use pixels for everything. Just measure up everything in the design you were given, fill out the numbers and you're done. You've built a beautiful pixel perfect website. Until somebody comes along with a mobile phone. Or their 13" laptop. Or maybe somebody is using a fancy 27" iMac screen. The retina version I mean. Then everything looks weird. Maybe the design doesn't quite fit, causing a vertical scroll. Or maybe the design is an old fashioned 960px grid site. That would certainly create huge amounts of whitespace. Oh and then there...


Sharing cookies between subdomains

Published on: November 20, 2014

A while ago I wrote about sharing cookies on an old Tumblr blog of mine. I figured it contains some valuable information so I migrated the post here. The reason I wrote it was that I was working on a pitch that would take a user through a series of puzzles. Each puzzle would enable the user to see the next website(subdomain) and I decided I'd save the progress of the user in a cookie. Normally you'd define a cookie for a domain like www.example.com. When the browser tries to read this cookie, the current domain has to be www.example.com. So sub.example.com wouldn't work and...


Using Angular UI Bootstrap modals

Published on: November 6, 2014

While working on a personal project I figured I'd use Bootstrap because then I wouldn't have to worry about styling. All was very well and using Angular.js together with Twitter Bootstrap totally made my day. But then I needed to show a modal dialog. I know how to do this but I stumbled upon the Angular UI directives for Bootstrap this seemed great. I mean, that's just awesome. Using the power of Angular's directives should get these modals up and running super fast. Or so I thought.. After skimming the docs and looking at the modal example I figured I'd give it a...


Creating a multi step form with Angular.js

Published on: October 27, 2014

Before we start, you might want to check out this example of the form in action. While I was working with Angular.js to create a nice little recipe / cookbook site for myself, I was creating a form that required me to split it up into multiple parts or steps. I found this surprisingly easy to do actually but I can imagine that not everybody will have the same experience I did. In this short post I will provide you with a good starting point for your html and your javascript. I'll be using the power of Angular.js directives to...