What is defer in Swift?

Sometimes, we write code that needs set some state or perform some work at the start of a function and at the end of that same function we might have to reset that state, or perform some cleanup regardless of why we’re exiting that function.

For example, you might have a function that creates a new Core Data object and depending on whether you’re able to enrich the object with data from the network you want to exit the function early. Regardless of how and why you exit the function, you want to save your newly created object.

Writing our code without defer

Here’s what that code would look like without Swift’s defer statement

func createMovie(
  named title: String,
  in context: NSManagedObjectContext
) async throws -> Movie {

  let movie = Movie(context: context)
  movie.title = title

  guard let data = try? await network.fetchExtraMovieData() else {
    try context.save()
    return movie

  movie.rating = data.rating

  try context.save()
  return movie

Let me start by saying that there are other ways to write this code; I know. The point isn’t that we could refactor this code to have a single return statement. The point is that we have multiple exit points for our function, and we have to remember to call try context.save() on every path.

Cleaning up our code with defer

With Swift’s defer we can clean our code up by a lot. The code that we write in our defer block will be run whenever we’re about to leave our function. This means that we can put our try context.save() code in the defer block to make sure that we always save before we return, no matter why we return:

func createMovie(
  named title: String,
  in context: NSManagedObjectContext
) async -> Movie {

  let movie = Movie(context: context)
  movie.title = title

  defer {
    do {
      try context.save()
    } catch {

  guard let data = try? await network.fetchExtraMovieData() else {
    return movie

  movie.rating = data.rating

  return movie

Notice that we changed more that just dropping a defer in our code. We had to handle errors too. That’s because a defer block isn’t allowed to throw errors. After all, we could be leaving a function because an error was throw; in that case we can’t throw another error.

Where can we use a defer block?

Defer blocks can be used in functions, if statements, closures, for loops, and any other place where you have a “scope” of execution. Usually you can recognize these scopes by their { and } characters.

If you add a defer to an if statement, your defer will run before leaving the if block.

Defer and async / await

Defer blocks in Swift run synchronously. This means that even when you defer in an async function, you won’t be able to await anything in that defer. In other words, a defer can’t be used as an asynchronous scope. If you find yourself in need of running async work inside of a defer you’ll have to launch an unstructured Task for that work.

While that would allow you to run async work in your defer, I wouldn’t recommend doing that. Your defer will complete before your task completes (because the defer won’t wait for your Task to end) which could be unexpected.

In Summary

Swift’s defer blocks are incredibly useful to wrap up work that needs to be done when you exit a function no matter why you might exit the function. Especially when there are multiple exit paths for your function.

Defer is also useful when you want to make sure that you keep your “start” and “finish” code for some work in a function close together. For example, if you want to log that a function has started and ended you could write this code on two consecutive lines with the “end” work wrapped in defer.

In my experience this is not a language feature that you’ll use a lot. That said, it’s a very useful feature that’s worth knowing about.

Deciding between a computed property and a function in Swift

In Swift, we can use computed properties to derive a value from other values defined on the same object. Being able to do this is super convenient because it means that we don’t have to manually make sure that we update derived properties every time one of the “source” values changed. We’ll just recompute the property every time it’s accessed!

This is very similar to having a function that takes no arguments and returns a value:

struct User {
  let givenName: String
  let familyName: String

  // Should we use this?
  var fullName: String {
    return "\(givenName) \(familyName)"

  // Or this?
  func fullName() -> String {
    return "\(givenName) \(familyName)"

So how do we make a choice between a function with no arguments and a computed property?

I like to keep the following rules of thumb in mind:

  • Accessing a property should never have side effects; if accessing the property mutates any values on your object, you should use a function.
  • Accessing a property should (ideally) have O(1) complexity (learn more about Big-O and what O(1) means right here. For functions it's more expected that they might be O(n) or worse.
  • Your property’s computation should be “simple”. This is probably the most subjective of all but if you’re writing more than a handful of lines you should ask yourself whether a function would look better.
  • The property’s output should be deterministic. In other words, accessing the same property multiple times in a row should get me the same result every time. If not, use a function; it fits the non deterministic behavior better in my opinion.

When I apply these rules to the example above, I would pick a computed property for this one. We can compute the name in constant time, the property's getter would be simple (one line), and the output is completely free of any side-effects. A perfect candidate for a computed property.

Of course, these are all just my opinions but I’ve found that most developers that I’ve worked with over the years either agree with these rules or have rules that are only slightly different from mine.

How do you decide between a function or a computed var? Let me know on Mastodon or Twitter!

if case let in Swift explained

In Swift, we can use the case keyword in multiple places. Most commonly, a case is used in switched but since you’re here, you might have seen a case in combination with an if statement.

In this post, we’ll explore different places where we can use the case keyword to perform something called pattern matching in Swift.

Pattern matching is a powerful feature of Swift that allows us to perform highly elegant checks to see if a given type matches a certain value.

In this post, we’ll explore a specific kind of pattern matching in Swift; the if case let approach of pattern matching.

Understanding pattern matching

The syntax for if case let is somewhat complex. So let’s start with a quick code sample that demonstrates how you can write an if statement that attempts to match an enum case:

enum ShapeType {
  case rectangle, triangle, circle

let myShape = ShapeType.rectangle

if case .rectangle = myShape {
  print("myShape is a rectangle")

Now, let me start by saying we didn’t need to use the case syntax here. We could have just as well written the following:

if myShape == .rectangle {
  print("myShape is a rectangle")

However, I like the earlier example because it introduces the case syntax in a pretty clean way.

Now, before I dig in to show you the case let syntax I’d like to take a look at the form of pattern matching in Swift that’s most likely the one you’re most familiar with:

switch myShape {
case .rectangle:
  print("myShape is a rectangle")
case .triangle:
case .circle:

A switch in programming allows us to write a list of patterns that we want to compare a given value to. This is much more convenient that writing a bunch of if / else statements.

The case keyword in Swift does not perform any special magic. Instead, it invokes a special operator that compares our pattern (whatever we write after case) to a value (the value we’re switching over in a switch).

So… how does that help you understand if case let syntax?

Understanding if case let

Once you know that if case .rectangle = myShape invokes a comparison between .rectangle and myShape the following suddenly makes a little more sense:

enum LoadingState {
  case inProgress(Task<String, Never>)
  case loaded(String)

let state = LoadingState.loaded("Hello, world")

if case .loaded(let string) = state {
  print("Loaded string is \(string)")

// or

if case let .loaded(string) = state {
  print("Loaded string is \(string)")

In both comparisons, we compare our enum case of .loaded and we assign its associated value to a constant. I prefer case .loaded(let string) myself because it looks a little less strange that case let .loaded(string) but they’re functionally equivalent.

And in a switch, you’d use the same patterns to match against which always helps me to remember:

switch state {
case .inProgress(let task):
case .loaded(let string):
  print("Loaded string is \(string)")

Again, the pattern here is that we compare our case to a value. In a switch this looks a lot more natural than it does in an if statement but they’re the same under the hood and they both use the underlying ~= comparator.

That said, writing if case .loaded(let string) = state when you’re only interested in a single case is certainly more convenient than writing a full blown switch when you’re only interested in a single case.

What are lazy vars in Swift?

Sometimes when you’re programming you have some properties that are pretty expensive to compute so you want to make sure that you don’t perform any work that you don’t absolutely must perform.

For example, you might have the following two criteria for your property:

  • The property should be computed once
  • The property should be computed only when I need it

If these two criteria sound like what you’re looking for, then lazy vars are for you.

A lazy variable is defined as follows:

class ExamResultsAnalyser {
  let allResults: [ExamResult]

  lazy var averageGrade: Float = {
    return allResults.reduce(0.0, { total, result in
      return total + result.grade
    }) / Float(allResults.count)

  init(allResults: [ExamResult]) {
    self.allResults = allResults

Notice the syntax that's used to create our lazy var. The variable is defined as a var and not as a let because accessing the property mutates our object. Also notice that we're using a closure to initialize this property. This is not mandatory but it's by far the most common way I've initialized my lazy var properties so far. If you want to learn more about closures as an initialization mechanism, take a look at this post where I explore the topic in depth.

In this case, we’re trying to calculate an average grade based on some exam results. If we only need to do this for a handful of students this would be lightning fast but if we need to do this for a couple thousand students we’d want to postpone the calculation to the last possible second. And since an exam result is immutable, we don’t really want to recalculate the average every time we access the averageGrade property.

This is actually a key difference between computed properties and a lazy var. Both are used to compute something upon access, but a computed property performs its computation every time the property is accessed. A lazy var on the other hand only computes its value once; upon first access.

Note that accessing a lazy var counts as a mutating action on the enclosing object. So if you add a lazy var to a struct, the following code would not compile:

struct ExampleStruct {
  lazy var randomNumber = Int.random(in: 0..<100)

let myStruct = ExampleStruct()

The compiler will show the following error:

Cannot use mutating getter on immutable value: 'myStruct' is a 'let' constant

And it will offer the following fix:

Change 'let' to 'var' to make it mutable

Because accessing the lazy var is a mutating operation, we must define our myStruct constant as a variable if we want to be able to access the randomNumber lazy var.

In Summary

All in all lazy var is an incredibly useful tool when you need to postpone initialization for a property to the last possible millisecond, and especially when it’s not guaranteed that you’ll need to access the property at all.

Note that a lazy var does not magically make the (expensive) computation that you’re doing faster. It simply allows you to not do any work until the work actually needs to be done. If you’re pretty sure that your lazy var will be accessed in a vast majority of cases it’s worth considering not making the property lazy at all; the work will need to be done at some point either way, and having less complexity is always a good thing in my book.

Deciding between a for loop or forEach in swift

Swift offers multiple ways to iterate over a collection of items. In this post we’ll compare a normal for loop to calling forEach on a collection.

Both for x in collection and collection.forEach { x in } allow you to iterate over elements in a collection called collection. But what are their differences? Does one outperform the other? Is one better than the other? We’ll find out in this post.

Using a regular for loop

I’ve written about for loops in Swift before so if you want an in-depth look, take a look at this post.

A regular for loop looks as follows:

for item in list {
  // use item

Unless we break out of our for loop with either a break or a return statement, the loop will iterate all elements in our list without interruption. For loops in Swift allow us to use the continue keyword to cut a specific iteration short and moving on to the next element.

Using forEach to iterate elements

If we use a forEach to iterate a collection of items, we can write code as follows:

list.forEach { item
  // use item

While for loops are a language construct, forEach is a function defined on collections. This function takes a closure that will be called for every element in the collection.

If we want to abort our iteration, we can only return from our forEach closure which is an equivalent to using continue in our classic for loop. Returning from a forEach does not end the loop, it just aborts the current iteration.

Making a decision

A forEach is mostly convenient when you’re chaining together functions like map, flatMap, filter, etc. and you want to run a closure for literally every element in your list.

In almost every other case I would recommend using a plain for loop over a forEach due to being able to break out of the loop if needed, and also I prefer the readability of a for loop over a forEach.

Performance-wise the two mechanisms are similar if you want to iterate over all elements. However, as soon as you want to break out of the loop early, the plain for loop and its break keyword beat the forEach.

Dispatching to the Main thread with MainActor in Swift

Swift 5.5 introduced loads of new concurrency related features. One of these features is the MainActor annotation that we can apply to classes, functions, and properties.

In this post you’ll learn several techniques that you can use to dispatch your code to the main thread from within Swift Concurrency’s tasks or by applying the main actor annotation.

If you’d like to take a deep dive into learning how you can figure out whether your code runs on the main actor I highly recommend reading this post which explores Swift Concurrency’s isolation features.

Alternatively, if you’re interested in a deep dive into Swift Concurrency and actors I highly recommend that you check out my book on Swift Concurrency or that you check out my video course on Swift Concurrency. Both of these resources will give you deeper insights and background information on actors.

Dispatching to the main thread through the MainActor annotation

The quickest way to get a function to run on the main thread in Swift Concurrency is to apply the @MainActor annotation to it:

class HomePageViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var homePageData: HomePageData?

  func loadHomePage() async throws {
    self.homePageData = try await networking.fetchHomePage()

The code above will run your loadHomePage function on the main thread. The cool thing about this is that the await in this function isn’t blocking the main thread. Instead, it allows our function to be suspended so that the main thread can do some other work while we wait for fetchHomePage() to come back with some data.

The effect that applying @MainActor to this function has is that the assignment of self.homePageData happens on the main thread which is good because it’s an @Published property so we should always assign to it from the main thread to avoid main thread related warnings from SwiftUI at runtime.

If you don’t like the idea of having all of loadHomePage run on the main actor, you can also annotate the homePageData property instead:

class HomePageViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @MainActor @Published var homePageData: HomePageData?

  func loadHomePage() async throws {
    self.homePageData = try await networking.fetchHomePage()

Unfortunately, this code leads to the following compiler error:

Main actor-isolated property 'homePageData' can not be mutated from a non-isolated context

This tells us that we’re trying to mutate a property, homePageData on the main actor while our loadHomePage method is not running on the main actor which is data safety problem in Swift Concurrency; we must mutate the homePageData property from a context that’s isolated to the main actor.

We can solve this issue in one of three ways:

  1. Apply an @MainActor annotation to both homePageData and loadHomePage
  2. Apply @MainActor to the entire HomePageViewModel to isolate both the homePageData property and the loadHomePage function to the main actor
  3. Use MainActor.run or an unstructured task that’s isolated to the main actor inside of loadHomePage.

The quickest fix is to annotate our entire class with @MainActor to run everything that our view model does on the main actor:

class HomePageViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var homePageData: HomePageData?

  func loadHomePage() async throws {
    self.homePageData = try await networking.fetchHomePage()

This is perfectly fine and will make sure that all of your view model work is performed on the main actor. This is actually really close to how your view model would work if you didn’t use Swift Concurrency since you normally call all view model methods and properties from within your view anyway.

Let’s see how we can leverage option three from the list above next.

Dispatching to the main thread with MainActor.run

If you don’t want to annotate your entire view model with the main actor, you can isolate chunks of your code to the main actor by calling the static run method on the MainActor object:

class HomePageViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var homePageData: HomePageData?

  func loadHomePage() async throws {
    let data = try await networking.fetchHomePage()
    await MainActor.run {
      self.homePageData = data

Note that the closure that you pass to run is not marked as async. This means that any asynchronous work that you want to do needs to happen before your call to MainActor.run. All of the work that you put inside of the closure that you pass to MainActor.run is executed on the main thread which can be quite convenient if you don’t want to annotate your entire loadHomePage method with @MainActor.

The last method to dispatch to main that I’d like to show is through an unstructured task.

Isolating an unstructured task to the main actor

if you’re creating a new Task and you want to make sure that your task runs on the main actor, you can apply an @MainActor annotation to your task’s body as follows:

class HomePageViewModel: ObservableObject {
  @Published var homePageData: HomePageData?

  func loadHomePage() async throws {
    Task { @MainActor in
      self.homePageData = try await networking.fetchHomePage()

In this case, we should have just annotated our loadHomePage method with @MainActor because we’re creating an unstructured task that we don’t need and we isolate our task to main.

However, if you’d have to write loadHomePage as a non-async method creating a new main-actor isolated task can be quite useful.

In Summary

In this post you’ve seen several ways to dispatch your code to the main actor using @MainActor and MainActor.run. The main actor is intended to replace your calls to DispatchQueue.main.async and with this post you have all the code examples you need to be able to do just that.

Note that some of the examples provided in this post produce warnings under strict concurrency checking. That’s because the HomePageViewModel I’m using in this post isn’t Sendable. Making it conform to Sendable would get rid of all warnings so it’s a good idea to brush up on your knowledge of Sendability if you’re keen on getting your codebase ready for Swift 6.

How to use experimental Swift versions and features in Xcode?

If you’re keen on reading about what’s new in Swift or learn about all the cool things that are coming up, you’re probably following several folks in the iOS community that keep track and tell you about all the new things. But what if you read about an upcoming Swift feature that you’d like to try out? Do you have to wait for it to become available in a new Xcode release?

Sometimes the answer is Yes, you’ll have to wait. But more often than not a Swift evolution proposal will have a header that looks a bit like this:

Screencap of Swift Evolution proposal SE-0430

Notice the Implementation on main and gated behind -enable-experimental-feature TransferringArgsAndResults. This tells us that if you were to Swift directly from its main branch you would be able to try out this new feature when you set a compiler flag.

Sometimes, you’ll find that the implementation is marked as available on a specific branch like release/5.10 or release/6.0. Without any information about gating the feature behind a flag. This means that the feature is available just by using Swift from the branch specified.

This is great, but… how do you actually use Swift from a specific branch? And where and how do we pass these compiler flags so we can try out experimental features in Xcode? In this post, I’ll answer those questions!

If you prefer learning from videos, I got you. The video below covers the exact same topic:

Installing an alternative Swift toolchain for Xcode

Xcode uses a Swift toolchain under the hood to compile your code. Essentially, this means that Xcode will run a whole bunch of shell commands to compile your code into an app that can run on your device or simulator. When you have the Xcode command line tools installed (which should have happened when you installed Xcode), you can open your terminal and type swift --version to see that there’s a command line interface that lets you use a Swift toolchain.

By default, this will be whichever toolchain shipped with Xcode. So if you have Xcode 15.3 installed running swift --version should yield something like the following output:

❯ swift --version
swift-driver version: Apple Swift version 5.10 (swiftlang- clang-1500.3.9.4)
Target: arm64-apple-macosx14.0

We can obtain different versions of Swift quite easily from swift.org on their download page.

Here you’ll find different releases of Swift for different platforms. The topmost section will show you the latest release which is already bundled with Xcode. If we scroll down to snapshots however there are snapshots for Trunk Development (main) and upcoming Swift releases like Swift. 6.0 for example.

We can click the Universal download link to install the Swift toolchain that you’re interested in. For example, if you’re eager to try out a cutting edge feature like Swift 6’s isolation regions feature you can download the trunk development toolchain. Or if you’re interested in trying out a feature that has made its way into the Swift 6 release branch, you could download the Swift 6.0 Development toolchain.

Once you’ve downloaded your toolchain and you can install it through a convenient installer. This process is pretty self explanatory.

After installing the toolchain, you can activate this new Swift version in Xcode through the Xcode → Toolchains menu. In the screenshot below you can see that I’m using the Swift Development Snapshot 2024-04-13 (a) toolchain. This is the trunk development toolchain that you saw on swift.org.

Xcode menu expanded with toolchain menu item selected

Once you’ve selected this toolchain, Xcode will use that Swift version to compile your project. This means that if your project is compatible with that Swift version, you can already get a sense of what it will be like to compile your project with a Swift version that’s not available yet.

Note that this may not be entirely representative of what a new Swift version like Swift 6 will be like. After all, we’re using a snapshot built from Swift’s main branch rather than its release/6.0 branch which is what the Swift 6.0 development toolchain is based off of.

Sometimes I’ve found that Xcode doesn’t like swapping toolchains in a project that you’re actively working on and compiling all the time. You’ll see warnings that aren’t supposed to be there or you’ll be missing warnings that you expected to see. I’m pretty sure this is related to Xcode caching stuff in between builds and rebooting Xcode usually gets me back where I’d like to be.

Now that we can use a custom toolchain in Xcode, let’s see how we can opt-in to experimental features.

Trying out experimental Swift features in Xcode

To try out new Swift features, we sometimes need to enable them through a compiler flag. The evolution proposal that goes along with the feature you’d like to try will have an Implementation field in its header that explains which toolchain contains the feature, and whether the feature is gated behind a flag or not.

For example, you might want to try out SE-0414 Region based isolation to see whether it resolves some of your Swift Concurrency warnings.

We’ll use the following code (which is also used as an example in the Evolution proposal) as an example to see whether we’ve correctly opted in to the feature:

// Not Sendable
class Client {
  init(name: String, initialBalance: Double) {  }

actor ClientStore {
  var clients: [Client] = []

  static let shared = ClientStore()

  func addClient(_ c: Client) {

func openNewAccount(name: String, initialBalance: Double) async {
  let client = Client(name: name, initialBalance: initialBalance)
  await ClientStore.shared.addClient(client) // Warning! 'Client' is non-`Sendable`!

To get the warning that we’re expecting based on the code snippet, we need to enable strict concurrency checking. If you’re not sure how to do that, take a look at this post.

After enabling strict concurrency you’ll see the warning pop up as expected.

Now, make sure that you have your new toolchain selected and navigate to your project’s build settings. In the build settings search for Other Swift Flags and make sure you add entries to have your flags look as shown below:

Other Swift Flags with experimental feature set

Notice that I’ve placed -enable-experimental-feature and RegionBasedIsolation as separate lines; not doing this results in a compiler error because the argument won’t be passed correctly.

If you build your project after opting in to the experimental feature, you’ll be able to play around with region based isolation. Pretty cool, right?

You can enable multiple experimental feature by passing in the experimental feature flag multiple times, or by adding other arguments if that’s what the Evolution proposal requires.

In Summary

Experimenting with new and upcoming Swift features can be a lot of fun. You’ll be able to get a sense of how new features will work, and whether you’re able to use these new features in your project. Keep in mind that experimental toolchains shouldn’t be used for your production work so after using an experimental toolchain make sure you switch back to Xcode’s default toolchain if you want to ensure that your main project correctly.

In this post you’ve also seen how you can play around with experimental Swift features which is something that I really enjoy doing. It gives me a sense of where Swift is going, and it allows me to explore new features early. Of course, this isn’t for everyone and since you’re dealing with a pre-release feature on a pre-release toolchain anything can go wrong.

Actor reentrancy in Swift explained

When you start learning about actors in Swift, you’ll find that explanations will always contain something along the lines of “Actors protect shared mutable state by making sure the actor only does one thing at a time”. As a single sentence summary of actors, this is great but it misses an important nuance. While it’s true that actors do only one thing at a time, they don’t always execute function calls atomically.

In this post, we’ll explore the following:

  • Exploring what actor reentrancy is
  • Understanding why async functions in actors can be problematic

Generally speaking, you’ll use actors for objects that must hold mutable state while also being safe to pass around in tasks. In other words, objects that hold mutable state, are passed by reference, and have a need to be Sendable are great candidates for being actors.

If you prefer to see the contents of this post in a video format, you can watch the video below:

Implementing a simple actor

A very simple example of an actor is an object that caches data. Here’s how that might look:

actor DataCache {
  var cache: [UUID: Data] = [:]

We can directly access the cache property on this actor without worrying about introducing data races. We know that the actor will make sure that we won’t run into data races when we get and set values in our cache from multiple tasks in parallel.

If needed, we can make the cache private and write separate read and write methods for our cache:

actor DataCache {
  private var cache: [UUID: Data] = [:]

  func read(_ key: UUID) -> Data? {
    return cache[key]

  func write(_ key: UUID, data: Data) {
    cache[key] = data

Everything still works perfectly fine in the code above. We’ve managed to limit access to our caching dictionary and users of this actor can interact with the cache through a dedicated read and write method.

Now let’s make things a little more complicated.

Adding a remote cache feature to our actor

Let’s imagine that our cached values can either exist in the cache dictionary or remotely on a server. If we can’t find a specific key locally our plan is to send a request to a server to see if the server has data for the cache key that we’re looking for. When we get data back we cache it locally and if we don’t we return nil from our read function.

Let’s update the actor to have a read function that’s async and attempts to read data from a server:

actor DataCache {
  private var cache: [UUID: Data] = [:]

  func read(_ key: UUID) async -> Data? {
    print(" cache read called for \(key)")
    defer {
      print(" cache read finished for \(key)")

    if let data = cache[key] {
      return data

    do {
      print(" attempt to read remote cache for \(key)")
      let url = URL(string: "http://localhost:8080/\(key)")!
      let (data, response) = try await URLSession.shared.data(from: url)

      guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
              httpResponse.statusCode == 200 else {
        print(" remote cache MISS for \(key)")
        return nil

      cache[key] = data
      print(" remote cache HIT for \(key)")
      return data
    } catch {
      print(" remote cache MISS for \(key)")
      return nil

  func write(_ key: UUID, data: Data) {
    cache[key] = data

Our function is a lot longer now but it does exactly what we set out to do; check if data exists locally, attempt to read it from the server if needed and cache the result.

If you run and test this code it will most likely work exactly like you’ve intended, well done!

However, once you introduce concurrent calls to your read and write methods you’ll find that results can get a little strange…

For this post, I’m running a very simple webserver that I’ve pre-warmed with a couple of values. When I make a handful of concurrent requests to read a value that’s cached remotely but not locally, here’s what I see in the console:

 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 attempt to read remote cache for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 attempt to read remote cache for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 attempt to read remote cache for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 attempt to read remote cache for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 attempt to read remote cache for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 remote cache HIT for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 remote cache HIT for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 remote cache HIT for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 remote cache HIT for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 remote cache HIT for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00

As you can see, executing multiple read operations results in having lots of requests to the server, even if the data exists and you expected to have the data cached after your first call.

Our code is written in a way that ensures that we always write a new value to our local cache after we grab it from the remote so we really shouldn’t expect to be going to the server this often.

Furthermore, we’ve made our cache an actor so why is it running multiple calls to our read function concurrently? Aren’t actors supposed to only do one thing at a time?

The problem with awaiting inside of an actor

The code that we’re using to grab information from a remote data source actually forces us into a situation where actor reentrancy bites us.

Actors only do one thing at a time, that’s a fact and we can trust that actors protect our mutable state by never having concurrent read and write access happen on mutable state that it owns.

That said, actors do not like to sit around and do nothing. When we call a synchronous function on an actor that function will run start to end with no interruptions; the actor only does one thing at a time.

However, when we introduce an async function that has a suspension point the actor will not sit around and wait for the suspension point to resume. Instead, the actor will grab the next message in its “mailbox” and start making progress on that instead. When the thing we were awaiting returns, the actor will continue working on our original function.

Actors don’t like to sit around and do nothing when they have messages in their mailbox. They will pick up the next task to perform whenever an active task is suspended.

The fact that actors can do this is called actor reentrancy and it can cause interesting bugs and challenges for us.

Solving actor reentrancy can be a tricky problem. In our case, we can solve the reentrancy issue by creating and retaining tasks for each network call that we’re about to make. That way, reentrant calls to read can see that we already have an in progress task that we’re awaiting and those calls will also await the same task’s result. This ensures we only make a single network call. The code below shows the entire DataCache implementation. Notice how we’ve changed the cache dictionary so that it can either hold a fetch task or our Data object:

actor DataCache {
  enum LoadingTask {
    case inProgress(Task<Data?, Error>)
    case loaded(Data)

  private var cache: [UUID: LoadingTask] = [:]
  private let remoteCache: RemoteCache

  init(remoteCache: RemoteCache) {
    self.remoteCache = remoteCache

  func read(_ key: UUID) async -> Data? {
    print(" cache read called for \(key)")
    defer {
      print(" cache read finished for \(key)")

    // we have the data, no need to go to the network
    if case let .loaded(data) = cache[key] {
      return data

    // a previous call started loading the data
    if case let .inProgress(task) = cache[key] {
      return try? await task.value

    // we don't have the data and we're not already loading it
    do {
      let task: Task<Data?, Error> = Task {
        guard let data = try await remoteCache.read(key) else {
          return nil

        return data

      cache[key] = .inProgress(task)
      if let data = try await task.value {
        cache[key] = .loaded(data)
        return data
      } else {
        cache[key] = nil
        return nil
    } catch {
      return nil

  func write(_ key: UUID, data: Data) async {
    print(" cache write called for \(key)")
    defer {
      print(" cache write finished for \(key)")

    do {
      try await remoteCache.write(key, data: data)
    } catch {
      // failed to store the data on the remote cache
    cache[key] = .loaded(data)

I explain this approach more deeply in my post on building a token refresh flow with actors as well as my post on building a custom async image loader so I won’t go into too much detail here.

When we run the same test that we ran before, the result looks like this:

 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read called for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 attempt to read remote cache for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 remote cache HIT for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00
 cache read finished for DDFA2377-C10F-4324-BBA3-68126B49EB00

We start multiple cache reads, this is actor reentrancy in action. But because we’ve retained the loading task so it can be reused, we only make a single network call. Once that call completes, all of our reentrant cache read actions will receive the same output from the task we created in the first call.

The point is that we can rely on actors doing one thing at a time to update some mutable state before we hit our await. This state will then tell reentrant calls that we’re already working on a given task and that we don’t need to make another (in this case) network call.

Things become trickier when you try and make your actor into a serial queue that runs async tasks. In a future post I’d like to dig into why that’s so tricky and explore possible solutions.

In Summary

Actor reentrancy is a feature of actors that can lead to subtle bugs and unexpected results. Due to actor reentrancy we need to be very careful when we’re adding async methods to an actor, and we need to make sure that we think about what can and should happen when we have multiple, reentrant, calls to a specific function on an actor.

Sometimes this is completely fine, other times it’s wasteful but won’t cause problems. Other times, you’ll run into problems that arise due to certain state on your actor being changed while your function was suspended. Every time you await something inside of an actor it’s important that you ask yourself whether you’ve made any state related assumptions before your await that you need to reverify after your await.

Step one to avoiding reentrancy related issues is to understand what it is, and have a sense of how you can solve problems when they arise. Unfortunately there’s no single solution that fixes every reentrancy related issue. In this post you saw that holding on to a task that encapsulates work can prevent multiple network calls from being made.

Have you ever run into a reentrancy related problem yourself? And if so, did you manage to solve it? I’d love to hear from you on Twitter or Mastodon!

Building a backend-driven paywall with RevenueCat

On of app development’s largest downsides (in my opinion) is that it’s frustratingly hard for developers to quickly iterate on an app’s core features due to the App Review process which can take anywhere between a few hours to a few days.

As a result of this process, developers either need to ship their apps with A/B testing built in if they want to test multiple variations of a feature, they can iterate more slowly or they can opt to build a so-called backend-driven UI. A backend-driven UI is a user interface that’s drawn by fetching information about the UI from a server, parsing the information, and placing appropriate UI components on screen based on the retrieved data.

One of the most important components in an app that implements in-app purchases is the paywall. You want to make sure that your paywall is presented at the right time, and that it presents the best possible offer for your user in the best way. Usually, you’ll want to iterate on your paywall and experiment with different configurations to decide which paywall converts best for your app.

In this post, we’ll explore RevenueCat’s paywall feature to see how we can leverage this feature to build a backend-driven, native paywall for your apps.

This post is a sponsored post. Its target is to provide an honest and fair view on RevenueCat. To make sure that this post is valuable to my readers, all opinions expressed in this post are my own.

Understanding what backend-driven is

If you think that a backend-driven UI sounds incredibly complicated, that’s because it can be very complex indeed. The simplest version of a backend-driven UI is a UI that loads JSON, parses that JSON into model objects, and then your views render the parsed models into a SwiftUI list view.

In this example, the backend didn’t decide how your screen looks, but it did inform your app about what should be presented to the user. Of course, this is a very simple example of a backend-driven UI and it’s usually not what people mean when they talk about being backend-driven but it does demonstrate the basics of being backend-driven without being overly complex.

When we apply the idea of being backend-driven to RevenueCat paywalls, what we’re talking about is the ability for a backend to tell your app exactly which in-app purchases, metadata and UI elements should be shown to your user.

Let’s get started by looking at how you can set up the RevenueCat side of things by configuring a paywall and its contents. After that, we’ll see how we can leverage the RevenueCat paywall in an app to show our paywall with backend-driven components.

Setting up RevenueCat for backend driven paywalls

If you’ve worked with RevenueCat before, you’ll know that RevenueCat models your in-app purchases through entitlements, products and offerings. In short, here’s what each of these configurations are for:

  • Entitlement An entitlement is what “marks” your user as having access to one or more features in your app. Having “pro access” to an app is an example of an entitlement.
  • Product These map to your in app purchases in App Store Connect. For example, you can have a monthly, yearly and lifetime subscription enabled for your app. These are three separate products in App Store Connect but all three can unlock the same entitlement in RevenueCat.
  • Offerings An offering in RevenueCat is a collection of products that you group together as a paywall. This allows you to experiment with different products being offered to your user (for example, you can have an offering that shows your monthly / yearly subscriptions, one that only shows your lifetime subscription, and one that shows all your products). You can programmatically decide which offering is presented to a user. You can even set up experiments to present different offers to your users as a means of A/B testing your pricing strategy.

In order to implement a backend driven paywall, you will need to have created your entitlements and products. If you’re just getting started with RevenueCat, they have great documentation available to help you get set up quickly.

The trick to implementing a backend-driven paywall is in how you set up your offer.

RevenueCat allows you to associate JSON metadata with your offering. You’re free to include as much metadata as you’d like which means that you can provide loads of paywall related information for a specific offer as metadata.

A RevenueCat offer with metadata

For example, when you’re presenting your lifetime subscription only offering, you might want your app to highlight the features your user unlocks along with some positive user reviews. When you’re presenting a user with the option to choose a monthly vs. yearly subscription, you could opt to present the user with some benefits of choosing yearly instead of monthly.

You might want to switch things up after you’ve tried an approach for a while.

All of this is possible by associating the right metadata to your offering. In the next section, I’ll show you what this looks like from an app point of view. For now, we’ll focus on the somewhat more abstract JSON side of things.

Rather than showing you everything that’s possible with this JSON, I’d like to focus on presenting something relatively simple. If you want to see a more elaborate example of what can be done, check out this talk from RevenueCat’s Charlie Chapman where he demoes backend-driven paywalls as well as the corresponding demo app code.

For the purposes of this blog post, here’s the JSON I’ll be working with:

  "default_selection": "$rc_annual",
  "header": {
    "description": "Get the pro version of TinySteps and enjoy unlimited activities as well as a convenient sharing feature.",
    "title": "Go pro today!"

All we’re doing here is setting up a simple header object as well as configuring a default selected package. This will allow us to experiment with pre-selecting a subscription to see whether that impacts a user’s choice between yearly and monthly subscriptions.

Here’s what that end up looking like in RevenueCat’s UI.

A fully set up offer with metadata

Now that we’ve set up our offering, let’s take a look at how we can leverage this in our app.

Presenting the paywall in your app

Once you’ve included the RevenueCat SDK in your app and you’ve configured it with your api key, you can start implementing your paywall. For this post, we’ll implement a very simple paywall that displays our header, lists all different subscription types that we have available, and we pre-select the subscription that we’ve configured in our JSON metadata.

To get started, we should write out the model that we intend to decode from our JSON Metadata. In this case, we’re working with fairly simple data so our model can be simple too:

struct PaywallInfo: Decodable {
  let defaultSelection: String
  let header: Header

extension PaywallInfo {
  struct Header: Decodable {
    let description: String
    let title: String

To load PaywallInfo from our metadata, we can fetch our offering from RevenueCat, extract the metadata, and then decode that metadata into our model object.

Here’s what that could look like:

enum PaywallLoader {
  static func getPayWallInfo() async -> (PaywallInfo, [Package])? {
    do {
      guard let offering = try await Purchases.shared.offerings().current else {
        return nil

      let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: offering.metadata)
      let decoder = JSONDecoder()
      decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
      let paywallInfo = try decoder.decode(PaywallInfo.self, from: data)

      let packages = offering.availablePackages

      return (paywallInfo, packages)
    } catch {
      print("Error: \(error)")
      return nil

In the snippet above, you might notice the following lines and wonder what they do:

let data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: offering.metadata)
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .convertFromSnakeCase
let paywallInfo = try decoder.decode(PaywallInfo.self, from: data)

The metadata JSON that we get on our offering is of type [String: Any]. We know that this data originated as JSON from the RevenueCat admin panel but we want to be able to transform the [String: Any] dictionary into our model object. To do this we convert the dictionary to Data, and from Data into our model. It’s a little tedious but it works.

Once we’ve retrieved our data, we can use it to populate our view.

The following shows an extremely bare-bones example of using our PaywallLoader in a view:

struct PaywallMainView: View {
  @State var paywallData: (PaywallInfo, [Package])?
  @State var selectedPackage: Package?

  var body: some View {
    if let paywallData {
      VStack {


        ForEach(paywallData.1) { package in
          if package.identifier == selectedPackage?.identifier {
            Button(package.storeProduct.localizedTitle, action: {
              selectedPackage = package
          } else {
            Button(package.storeProduct.localizedTitle, action: {
              selectedPackage = package
    } else {
        .task {
          paywallData = await PaywallLoader.getPayWallInfo()
          selectedPackage = paywallData?.1.first(where: { package in
            return package.identifier == paywallData?.0.defaultSelection

This code is purely provided as a reference to show you what’s next after decoding your model data. It’s not intended to look pretty, nor is it intended to show you the most beautiful paywall. The key lesson here is that you can leverage the JSON metadata on a RevenueCat offering to build a paywall that uses backend-driven UI, allowing you to experiment with different texts, configuration and more.

In Summary

There’s no limit to how flexible you can get with a backend-driven UI other than your imagination. In this post, I’ve shown you a very basic backend-driven UI that would allow me to change a default selection for my paywall and to experiment with different texts on my paywall.

You’ve seen how you can configure an offering in your RevenueCat console with any JSON you’d like, allowing you to experiment to your heart’s content. You’ve also seen how you can write code that fetches an offering and extract the relevant information from the JSON metadata.

Again, there’s virtually no limit to what you can do here. You can provide as much JSON data as you’d like to build complex, dynamic, and customizable paywalls that can be updated on the fly. No App Review needed.

I’m a big fan of RevenueCat’s implementation of JSON metadata. Being able to expand the available information like this is a huge benefit to experimentation and testing to find out the absolute best paywall implementation for your app.

Using closures for dependencies instead of protocols

It’s common for developers to leverage protocols as a means to model and abstract dependencies. Usually this works perfectly well and there’s really no reason to try and pretend that there’s any issue with this approach that warrants an immediate switch to something else.

However, protocols are not the only way that we can model dependencies.

Often, you’ll have a protocol that holds a handful of methods and properties that dependents might need to access. Sometimes, your protocol is injected into multiple dependents and they don’t all need access to all properties that you’ve added to your protocol.

Also, when you're testing code that depends on protocols you need to write mocks that implement all protocol methods even if your test will only require one or two out of several methods to be callable.

We can solve this through techniques used in functional programming allowing us to inject functionality into our objects instead of injecting an entire object that conforms to a protocol.

In this post, I’ll explore how we can do this, what the pros are, and most importantly we’ll take a look at downsides and pitfalls associated with this way of designing dependencies.

If you’re not familiar with the topic of dependency injection, I highly recommend that you read this post where explain what dependency injection is, and why you need it.

This post heavily assumes that you are familiar and comfortable with closures. Read this post if you could use a refresher on closures.

If you prefer learning through videos, check out the video for this post here:

Defining objects that depend on closures

When we talk about injecting functionality into objects instead of full blown protocols, we talk about injecting closures that provide the functionality we need.

For example, instead of injecting an instance of an object that conforms to a protocol called ‘Caching’ that implements two methods; read and write, we could inject closures that call the read and write functionality that we’ve defined in our Cache object.

Here’s what the protocol based code might look like:

protocol Caching {
  func read(_ key: String) -> Data
  func write(_ object: Data)

class NetworkingProvider {
  let cache: Caching

  // ...

Like I’ve said in the intro for this post, there’s nothing wrong with doing this. However, you can see that our object only calls the Cache’s read method. We never write into the cache.

Depending on an object that can both read and write means that whenever we mock our cache for this object, we’d probably end up with an empty write function and a read function that provides our mock functionality.

When we refactor this code to depend on closures instead of a protocol, the code changes like this:

class NetworkingProvider {
  let readCache: (String) -> Data

  // ...

With this approach, we can still define a Cache object that contains our methods, but the dependent only receives the functionality that it needs. In this case, it only asks for a closure that provides read functionality from our Cache.

There are some limitations to what we can do with objects that depend on closures though. The Caching protocol we’ve defined could be improved a little by redefining the protocol as follows:

protocol Caching {
  func read<T: Decodable>(_ key: String) -> T
  func write<T: Encodable>(_ object: T)

The read and write methods defined here can’t be expressed as closures because closures don’t work with generic arguments like our Caching protocol does. This is a downside of closures as dependencies that you could work around if you really wanted to, but at that point you might ask whether that even makes sense; the protocol approach would cause far less friction.

Depending on closures instead of protocols when possible can make mocking trivial, especially when you’re mocking larger objects that might have dependencies of their own.

In your unit tests, you can now completely separate mocks from functions which can be a huge productivity boost. This approach can also help you prevent accidentally depending on implementation details because instead of a full object you now only have access to a closure. You don’t know which other variables or functions the object you’re depending on might have. Even if you did know, you wouldn’t be able to access any of these methods and properties because they were never injected into your object.

If you end up with loads of injected closures, you might want to wrap them all up in a tuple. I’m personally not a huge fan of doing this but I’ve seen this done as a means to help structure code. Here’s what that looks like:

struct ProfileViewModel {
  typealias Dependencies = (
    getProfileInfo: @escaping () async throws -> ProfileInfo,
    getUserSettings: @escaping () async throws -> UserSettings,
    updateSettings: @escaping (UserSettings) async throws -> Void

  let dependencies: Dependencies

  init(dependencies: Dependencies) {
    self.dependencies = dependencies

With this approach you’re creating something that sits between an object and just plain closures which essentially gets you the best of both worlds. You have your closures as dependencies, but you don’t end up with loads of properties on your object because you wrap them all into a single tuple.

It’s really up to you to decide what makes the most sense.

Note that I haven’t provided you examples for dependencies that have properties that you want to access. For example, you might have an object that’s able to load page after page of content as long as its hasNewPage property is set to true.

The approach of dependency injection I’m outlining here can be made to work if you really wanted to (you’d inject closures to get / set the property, much like SwiftUI’s Binding) but I’ve found that in those cases it’s far more manageable to use the protocol-based dependency approach instead.

Now that you’ve seen how you can depend on closures instead of objects that implement specific protocols, let’s see how you can make instances of these objects that depend on closures.

Injecting closures instead of objects

Once you’ve defined your object, it’d be kind of nice to know how you’re supposed to use them.

Since you’re injecting closures instead of objects, your initialization code for your objects will be a bit longer than you might be used to. Here’s my favorite way of passing closures as dependencies using the ProfileViewModel that you’ve seen before:

let viewModel = ProfileViewModel(dependencies: (
  getProfileInfo: { [weak self] in
    guard let self else { throw ScopingError.deallocated }

    return try await self.networking.getProfileInfo()
  getUserSettings: { [weak self] in 
    guard let self else { throw ScopingError.deallocated }  
    return try await self.networking.getUserSettings()
  updateSettings: { [weak self]  newSettings in 
    guard let self else { throw ScopingError.deallocated }

    try await self.networking.updateSettings(newSettings)

Writing this code is certainly a lot more than just writing let viewModel = ProfileViewModel(networking: AppNetworking) but it’s a tradeoff that can be worth the hassle.

Having a view model that can access your entire networking stack means that it’s very easy to make more network calls than the object should be making. Which can lead to code that creeps into being too broad, and too intertwined with functionality from other objects.

By only injecting calls to the functions you intended to make, your view model can’t accidentally grow larger than it should without having to go through several steps.

And this is immediately a downside too; you sacrifice a lot of flexibility. It’s really up to you to decide whether that’s a tradeoff worth making.

If you’re working on a smaller scale app, the tradeoff most likely isn’t worth it. You’re introducing mental overhead and complexity to solve a problem that you either don’t have or is incredibly limited in its impact.

If your project is large and has many developers and is split up into many modules, then using closures as dependencies instead of protocols might make a lot of sense.

It’s worth noting that memory leaks can become an issues in a closure-driven dependency tree if you’re not careful. Notice how I had a [weak self] on each of my closures. This is to make sure I don’t accidentally create a retain cycle.

That said, not capturing self strongly here could be considered bad practice.

The self in this example would be an object that has access to all dependencies we need for our view model. Without that object, our view model can’t exist. And our view model will most likely go away long before our view model creator goes away.

For example, if you’re following the Factory pattern then you might have a ViewModelFactory that can make instances of our ProfileViewModel and other view models too. This factory object will stay around for the entire time your app exists. It’s fine for a view model to receive a strong self capture because it won’t prevent the factory from being deallocated. The factory wasn’t going to get deallocated anyway.

With that thought in place, we can update the code from before:

let viewModel = ProfileViewModel(dependencies: (
  getProfileInfo: networking.getProfileInfo,
  getUserSettings: networking.getUserSettings,
  updateSettings: networking.updateSettings

This code is much, much, shorter. We pass the functions that we want to call directly instead of wrapping calls to these functions in closures.

Normally, I would consider this dangerous. When you’re passing functions like this you’re also passing strong references to self. However, because we know that the view models won’t prevent their factories from being deallocated anyway we can do this relatively safely.

I’ll leave it up to you to decide how you feel about this. I’m always a little reluctant to skip the weak self captures but logic often tells me that I can. Even then, I usually just go for the more verbose code just because it feels wrong to not have a weak self.

In Summary

Dependency Injection is something that most apps deal with in some way, shape, or form. There are different ways in which apps can model their dependencies but there’s always one clear goal; to be explicit in what you depend on.

As you’ve seen in this post, you can use protocols to declare what you depend on but that often means you’re depending on more than you actually need. Instead, we can depend on closures instead which means that you’re depending on very granular, and flexible, bodies of code that are easy to mock, test, replace, and manage.

There’s definitely a tradeoff to be made in terms of ease of use, flexibility and readability. Passing dependencies as closures comes at a cost and I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether that’s a cost you and your team are able and willing to pay.

I’ve worked on projects where we’ve used this approach with great satisfaction, and I’ve also declined this approach on small projects where we didn’t have a need for the granularity provided by closures as dependencies; we needed flexibility and ease of use instead.

All in all I think closures as dependencies are an interesting topic that’s well worth exploring even if you end up modeling your dependencies with protocols.