
Dispatching to the Main thread with MainActor in Swift

Published on: April 23, 2024

Swift 5.5 introduced loads of new concurrency related features. One of these features is the MainActor annotation that we can apply to classes, functions, and properties. In this post you’ll learn several techniques that you can use to dispatch your code to the main thread from within Swift Concurrency’s tasks or by applying the main actor annotation. If you’d like to take a deep dive into learning how you can figure out whether your code runs on the main actor I highly recommend reading this post which explores Swift Concurrency’s isolation features. Alternatively, if you’re interested in a deep dive...


Actor reentrancy in Swift explained

Published on: April 11, 2024

When you start learning about actors in Swift, you’ll find that explanations will always contain something along the lines of “Actors protect shared mutable state by making sure the actor only does one thing at a time”. As a single sentence summary of actors, this is great but it misses an important nuance. While it’s true that actors do only one thing at a time, they don’t always execute function calls atomically. In this post, we’ll explore the following: Exploring what actor reentrancy is Understanding why async functions in actors can be problematic Generally speaking, you’ll use actors for objects...


Using Swift’s async/await to build an image loader

Published on: September 6, 2021

Async/await will be the defacto way of doing asynchronous programming on iOS 15 and above. I've already written quite a bit about the new Swift Concurrency features, and there's still plenty to write about. In this post, I'm going to take a look at building an asynchronous image loader that has support for caching. SwiftUI on iOS 15 already has a component that allows us to load images from the network but it doesn't support caching (other than what’s already offered by URLSession), and it only works with a URL rather than also accepting a URLRequest. The component will be...


Building a token refresh flow with async/await and Swift Concurrency

Published on: August 16, 2021

One of my favorite concurrency problems to solve is building concurrency-proof token refresh flows. Refreshing authentication tokens is something that a lot of us deal with regularly, and doing it correctly can be a pretty challenging task. Especially when you want to make sure you only issue a single token refresh request even if multiple network calls encounter the need to refresh a token. Furthermore, you want to make sure that you automatically retry a request that failed due to a token expiration after you've obtained a new (valid) authentication token. I wrote about a flow that does this before,...


Preventing data races with Swift’s Actors

Published on: June 14, 2021

We all know that async / await was one of this year’s big announcements WWDC. It completely changes the way we interact with concurrent code. Instead of using completion handlers, we can await results in a non-blocking way. More importantly, with the new Swift Concurrency features, our Swift code is much safer and consistent than ever before. For example, the Swift team built an all-new threading model that ensures your program doesn’t spawn more threads than there are CPU cores to avoid thread explosion. This is a huge difference from GCD where every call to async would spawn a new...


WWDC Notes: Protect mutable state with Swift actors

Published on: June 8, 2021

Data races make concurrency hard. They occur when two threads access the same data and at least one of them is a write. It’s trivial to write a data race, but it’s really hard to debug. Data races aren’t always clear, aren’t always reproducible, and might not always manifest in the same way. Shared mutable state is needed for a data race to occur. Value types don’t suffer from data races due to the way they work; they’re copied. When you pass an array around, copies are created. This is due to array’s value semantics. Even an object that’s a...