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The difference between checked and unsafe continuations in Swift

Published on: April 24, 2022

When you’re writing a conversion layer to transform your callback based code into code that supports async/await in Swift, you’ll typically find yourself using continuations. A continuation is a closure that you can call with the result of your asynchronous work. You have the option to pass it the output of your work, an object that conforms to Error, or you can pass it a Result. In this post, I won’t go in-depth on showing you how to convert your callback based code to async/await (you can refer to this post if you’re interested in learning more). Instead, I’d like...


Wrapping existing asynchronous code in async/await in Swift

Published on: April 24, 2022

Swift's async/await feature significantly enhances the readability of asynchronous code for iOS 13 and later versions. For new projects, it enables us to craft more expressive and easily understandable asynchronous code, which closely resembles synchronous code. However, adopting async/await may require substantial modifications in existing codebases, especially if their asynchronous API relies heavily on completion handler functions. Fortunately, Swift offers built-in mechanisms that allow us to create a lightweight wrapper around traditional asynchronous code, facilitating its transition into the async/await paradigm. In this post, I'll demonstrate how to convert callback-based asynchronous code into functions compatible with async/await, using Swift's async...


Comparing lifecycle management for async sequences and publishers

Published on: April 12, 2022

In my previous post you learned about some different use cases where you might have to choose between an async sequence and Combine while also clearly seeing that async sequence are almost always better looking in the examples I’ve used, it’s time to take a more realistic look at how you might be using each mechanism in your apps. The details on how the lifecycle of a Combine subscription or async for-loop should be handled will vary based on how you’re using them so I’ll be providing examples for two situations: Managing your lifecycles in SwiftUI Managing your lifecycles virtually...


Comparing use cases for async sequences and publishers

Published on: April 12, 2022

Swift 5.5 introduces async/await and a whole new concurrency model that includes a new protocol: AsyncSequence. This protocol allows developers to asynchronously iterate over values coming from a sequence by awaiting them. This means that the sequence can generate or obtain its values asynchronously over time, and provide these values to a for-loop as they become available. If this sounds familiar, that’s because a Combine publisher does roughly the same thing. A publisher will obtain or generate its values (asynchronously) over time, and it will send these values to subscribers whenever they are available. While the basis of what we...


What is the “any” keyword in Swift?

Published on: March 15, 2022

With Swift 5.6, Apple added a new keyword to the Swift language: any. As you'll see in this post, usage of the any keyword looks very similar to how you use the some keyword. They're both used in front of protocol names, and they both tell us something about how that protocol is used. Once you dig deeper into what any means, you'll find that it's very different from some. In fact, you might come to the conclusion that any is somewhat of the opposite of some. In this post, you will learn everything you need to know about the...


Writing custom property wrappers for SwiftUI

Published on: January 16, 2022

It's been a while since I published my post that helps you wrap your head around Swift's property wrappers. Since then, I've done more and more SwiftUI related work and one challenge that I recently had to dig into was passing dependencies from SwiftUI's environment into a custom property wrapper. While figuring this out I learned about the DynamicProperty protocol which is a protocol that you can conform your property wrappers to. When your property wrapper conforms to the DynamicProperty protocol, your property wrapper will essentially become a part of your SwiftUI view. This means that your property wrapper can...


Adding custom keys to the SwiftUI environment

Published on: January 10, 2022

Sometimes you’ll find yourself in a situation where you want to conveniently pass some object down via the SwiftUI environment. An easy way to do this is through the .environmentObject view modifier. The one downside of this view modifier and corresponding @EnvironmentObject property wrapper is that the object you add to the environment must be an observable object. Luckily, we can extend the SwiftUI environment to add our own objects to the @Environment property wrapper without the need to make these objects observable. For example, your app might have to do some date formatting, and maybe you’re looking for a...


Five things iOS developers should focus on in 2022

Published on: January 3, 2022

A new year has started and most of us are probably figuring out what we should focus on this year. Whether it’s learning new things or expanding our knowledge on topics we’ve already learned about in the past, there’s always something that deserves our attention in the world of iOS development. In this short post I’ve listed five things that I believe will help you become a better developer in 2022. Or rather, the first half of 2022. I’m fully expecting Apple to release some cool new interesting things at this year’s WWDC that deserve some of your attention in...


Forcing an app out of memory on iOS

Published on: December 23, 2021

I’ve recently been working on a background uploading feature for an app. One of the key aspects to get right with a feature like that is to correctly handle scenarios where your app is suspended by the system due to RAM constraints or other, similar, reasons. Testing this is easily done by clearing the RAM memory on your device. Unfortunately, this isn’t straightforward. But it’s also not impossible. Note that opening the task switcher and force closing your app from there is not quite the same as forcing your app to be suspended. Or rather, it’s not the same as...


Understanding how and when SwiftUI decides to redraw views

Published on: November 7, 2021

There's a good chance that you're using SwiftUI and that you're not quite sure how and when SwiftUI determines which views should redraw. And arguably, that's a good thing. SwiftUI is clearly smart enough to make decent decisions without any negative consequences. In fact, you might even have set up your app in a way that coincidentally plays into SwiftUI's strength beautifully. There's an equal likelihood that your setup isn't as performant as you might think but you're just not seeing any issues yet. Recently, I had to figure out how SwiftUI determines that it should redraw views in order...