
Connecting your git repository with a remote server

Published on: January 18, 2024

Having a local git repository is a smart thing to do. It’s even smarter to push your local git repositories up to a remote server so that you can collaborate with others, clone your repository on a separate machine, or have a backup of your code in case you’re replacing your current development machine with another. A possibly less obvious benefit of hosting your git repository somewhere is that lots of git servers provide useful features like Pull Requests for code reviews, issue tracking, and more. In this post, you will learn how you can set up a new repository...


Understanding and resolving merge conflicts

Published on: January 10, 2024

Git is great, and when it works well it can be a breeze to work with. You push , pull, commit, branch, merge, but then… you get into a merge conflict, In this post, we’ll explore merge conflicts. We’ll look at why they happen, and what we can do to avoid running into merge conflicts in the first place. Let’s start by understanding why a merge conflict happens. Understanding why a merge conflict happens Git is usually pretty good at merging together branches or commits. So why does it get confused sometimes? And what does it mean when a merge...


Git basics for iOS developers

Published on: January 3, 2024

I’ll just say this right off the bat. There’s no such thing as git “for iOS Developers”. However, as iOS Developers we do make use of git. And that means that it makes a lot of sense to understand git, what it is, what it’s not, and most importantly how we can use it effectively and efficiently in our work. In this post, I’d like to outline some of the key concepts, commands, and principles that you’ll need to know as an iOS Developer that works with git. By the end of this post you will have a pretty good...