
How and when to use callAsFunction in Swift 5.2

Published on: February 17, 2020

A new Swift 5.2 feature is the ability to call instances of types as functions. Or, as the Swift Evolution proposal calls it "Callable values of user-defined nominal types". The very short description of this feature is that it allows you to call instances of any type that has a callAsFunction method implemented as if it's a function: struct InvestmentsCalculator { let input: Double let averageGrowthPerYear = 0.07 func callAsFunction(years: Int) -> Double { return (0..<years).reduce(input, { value, _ in return value * (1 + averageGrowthPerYear) }) } } let calculator = InvestmentsCalculator(input: 1000) let newValue = calculator(years: 10) While...


Using preconditions, assertions, and fatal errors in Swift

Published on: December 14, 2019

As developers, we are often told that we should avoid crashing our apps at all costs. It's why we are told that we shouldn't force unwrap our optionals, that we should avoid unowned references and that we should never use try! in production code. In today's article, I would like to offer you a counter opinion on this never crash train of thought. I firmly believe that sometimes we should crash and that not crashing could sometimes be worse than crashing because it might leave your app in an unresponsive state, or maybe it hides a problem that you won't...


What is the “some” keyword in Swift?

Published on: December 6, 2019

If you have spent some time with SwiftUI or if you have watched the WWDC videos on SwiftUI this year, you may have noticed that views in SwiftUI have a property called body of type some View. The some keyword is new in Swift 5.1 and it’s part of a feature called opaque result types (SE-0244). What is this some keyword then? And how can you use it in your code? I aim to answer these questions in this blog post. We’ll first explore what opaque result types are, and more specifically what problem they solve. Next, we’ll look at...


Generics in Swift explained

Published on: December 5, 2019

Whenever we write code, we want our code to be well-designed. We want it to be flexible, elegant and safe. We want to make sure that Swift’s type system and the compiler catch as many of our mistakes as possible. It’s especially interesting how Swift’s type system can help us avoid obvious errors. For example, Swift won’t allow you to assign an Int to a String property like this: var anInt = 10 anInt = "Hello, World!" The Swift compiler would show you an error that explains that you can’t assign a String to an Int and you’d understand this....


Building flexible components with generics and protocols

Published on: November 11, 2019

Recently I wanted to build a generic data source layer. This data source would be able to return pretty much anything from a local cache, or if the local cache doesn't contain the requested object, it would fetch the object from a server and then cache the result locally before returning it to me. To achieve this, I figured that I would write a generic local cache, a generic remote cache and a wrapper that would combine both caches, allowing me to transparently retrieve objects without having to worry about where the object came from. It didn't take long before...


Uploading images and forms to a server using URLSession

Published on: October 30, 2019

One of those tasks that always throws me off balance is building a form that allows users to upload a form with a picture attached to it. I know that it involves configuring my request to be multipart, that I need to attach the picture as data and there’s something involved with setting a content disposition. This is usually about as far as I go until I decide it might be a good time to go to github.com and grab the Carthage URL for Alamofire. If you’re reading this and you’ve implemented POST requests that allow users to upload photos...


What is Module Stability in Swift and why should you care?

Published on: October 7, 2019

The Swift team has recently released Swift 5.1. This version of the Swift language contains many cool features like Function Builders that are used for SwiftUI and Property Wrappers that can be used to add extra functionality to properties. This release also contains a feature called Module Stability. But what is this feature? And what does it mean to you as a developer? In this week’s blog post, I will explain this to you. But before we get to Module Stability, let’s do a little time traveling back to Swift 5.0, which shipped with ABI (Application Binary Interface) Stability. Understanding...


Cleaning up your dependencies with protocols

Published on: September 9, 2019

If you’re into writing clean, testable and maintainable code you must have come across the term “Dependency Injection” at some point. If you’re not sure what dependency injection is, that’s okay. I will explain it briefly so we’re all on the same page before we get to the main point of this post. Dependency Injection in a Nutshell Dependency injection is the practice of making sure that no object creates or manages its own dependencies. This is best illustrated using an example. Imagine you’re building a login page for an app and you have separate service objects for registering a...


Wrapping your callbacks in Promises

Published on: November 2, 2015

A little while ago I wrote a post about PromiseKit. In this post I wrote mainly about how you could wrap API calls in Promises using the NSURLConnection extension that the creator of PromiseKit provides. Since writing that article I've had a bunch of people asking me more about PromiseKit. More specifically, some people wanted to know how they could wrap their existing code in Promises. To illustrate this I'm going to use Parse as an example. A regular save action in Parse Before we start making Promises, let's have a look at how you'd normally do something with Parse....


Step up your async game with PromiseKit

Published on: September 3, 2015

Some of the most engaging apps we use today are apps that require network connectivity of some kind. They communicate with an API somewhere to fetch and store data for example. Or they use an API to search through a huge amount of data. The point is, you don't want your application to sit around and wait while an API call is happening. The same is true for a computing task that's heavy, for example resizing an image or storing it to disk. You want your UI to be snappy and fast. In other words, you don't want to do...