
What is type erasure in Swift? An explanation with code samples

Published on: May 18, 2020

Swift's type system is (mostly) fantastic. Its tight constraints and flexible generics allow developers to express complicated concepts in an extremely safe manner because the Swift compiler will detect and flag any inconsistencies within the types in your program. While this is great most of the time, there are times where Swift's strict typing gets in the way of what we're trying to build. This is especially true if you're working on code that involves protocols and generics. With protocols and generics, you can express ideas that are insanely complex and flexible. But sometimes you're coding along happily and the...


Creating type-safe identifiers for your Codable models

Published on: May 4, 2020

Note: After publishing this article, it has been brought to my attention that the folks from @pointfreeco have a very similar solution for the problems I outline in this post. It's called tagged and implements the same features I cover in this post with several useful extensions. If you like this post and plan to use the concepts I describe, you should take a look at tagged. It seems that on the Swift forums, there are a couple of topics that come up regularly. One of these topics is the newtype for Swift discussion. Last week, I saw a new...


Why your @Atomic property wrapper doesn’t work for collection types

Published on: April 20, 2020

A while ago I implemented my first property wrapper in a code base I work on. I implemented an @Atomic property wrapper to make access to certain properties thread-safe by synchronizing read and write access to these properties using a dispatch queue. There are a ton of examples on the web that explain these property wrappers, how they can be used and why it's awesome. To my surprise, I found out that most, if not all of these property wrappers don't actually work for types where it matters most; collection types. Let's look at an example that I tweeted about...


An introduction to Big O in Swift

Published on: April 13, 2020

Big O notation. It's a topic that a lot of us have heard about, but most of us don't intuitively know or understand what it is. If you're reading this, you're probably a Swift developer. You might even be a pretty good developer already, or maybe you're just starting out and Big O was one of the first things you encountered while studying Swift. Regardless of your current skill level, by the end of this post, you should be able to reason about algorithms using Big O notation. Or at least I want you to understand what Big O is,...


Enforcing code consistency with SwiftLint

Published on: March 30, 2020

If you're ever amongst a group of developers and want to spark some intense discussion, all you need to do is call out that tabs are better than spaces. Or that indenting code with two spaces is much better than four. Or that the curly bracket after a function definition goes on the next line rather than on the same line as the method name. A lot of us tend to get extremely passionate about our preferred coding styles and we're not afraid to discuss it in-depth. Which is fine, but this is not the kind of discussion you and...


Removing duplicate values from an array in Swift

Published on: March 18, 2020

Arrays in Swift can hold on to all kinds of data. A common desire developers have when they use arrays, is to remove duplicate values from their arrays. Doing this is, unfortunately, not trivial. Objects that you store in an array are not guaranteed to be comparable. This means that it's not always possible to determine whether two objects are the same. For example, the following model is not comparable: struct Point { let x: Int let y: Int } However, a keen eye might notice that two instances of Point could easily be compared and two points that are...


What is @escaping in Swift?

Published on: March 11, 2020

If you've ever written or used a function that accepts a closure as one of its arguments, it's likely that you've encountered the @escaping keyword. When a closure is marked as escaping in Swift, it means that the closure will outlive, or leave the scope that you've passed it to. Let's look at an example of a non-escaping closure: func doSomething(using closure: () -> Void) { closure() } The closure passed to doSomething(using:) is executed immediately within the doSomething(using:) function. Because the closure is executed immediately within the scope of doSomething(using:) we know that nothing that we do inside of...


What are computed properties in Swift and when should you use them?

Published on: March 9, 2020

One of Swift's incredibly useful features is its ability to dynamically compute the value of a property through a computed property. While this is a super handy feature, it can also be a source of confusion for newcomers to the language. A computed property can look a bit strange if you haven't seen one before; especially when you are learning about custom get and set closures for properties at the same time. In this week's post, I would like to take some time to explain computed properties in-depth so you can begin using them in your codebase with confidence. By...


Using Result in Swift 5

Published on: March 2, 2020

As soon as Swift was introduced, people were adding their own extensions and patterns to the language. One of the more common patterns was the usage of a Result object. This object took on a shape similar to Swift's Optional, and it was used to express a return type that could either be a success or a failure. It took some time, but in Swift 5.0 the core team finally decided that it was time to adopt this common pattern that was already used in many applications and to make it a part of the Swift standard library. By doing...


Using try catch in Swift

Published on: February 24, 2020

In Swift 2.0, Apple introduced the throws keyword in Swift. This addition to Swift language added the ability for developers to write code that clearly communicates that an error might occur during the execution of a code path, and it forces the caller of that code to handle, or explicitly ignore the error in-place. In this post I will show you what the throws keyword is exactly, and how you can deal with errors in your codebase. Working with code that throws errors If you've worked with JSONDecoder in Swift, you have already experienced code that can throw an error....