WWDC 2022

What are primary associated types in Swift 5.7?

Published on: June 8, 2022

Swift 5.7 introduces many new features that involve generics and protocols. In this post, we're going to explore an extremely powerful new features that's called "primary associated types". By the end of this post you will know and understand what primary associated types are, and why I think they are extremely important and powerful to help you write better code. If your familiar with Swift 5.6 or earlier, you might know that protocols with associated types have always been somewhat of an interesting beast. They were hard to use sometimes, and before Swift 5.1 we would always have to resort...


What’s the difference between any and some in Swift?

Published on: June 8, 2022

Protocols are an extremely important part in the Swift language, and in recent updates we've received some new capabilities around protocol and generics that allow us to be much more intentional about how we use protocols in our code. This is done through the any and some keywords. In this post, you will learn everything you need to know about the similarities and differences between these two keywords. We'll start with an introduction of each keyword, and then you'll learn a bit more about the problems each keyword solves, and how you can decide whether you should use some or...


Presenting a partially visible bottom sheet in SwiftUI on iOS 16

Published on: June 6, 2022

This post is up to date for Xcode 15 and newer. It supersedes a version of this post that you can find here On iOS 15, Apple granted developers the ability to present partially visible bottom sheets using a component called UISheetPresentationController. Originally, we had to resort to using a UIHostingController to bring this component to SwiftUI. With iOS 16, we don't have to do this anymore. You can make use of the presentationDetents view modifier to configure your sheets to be fully visible, approximately half visible, or some custom fraction of the screen's height. To do this, you can...